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Vikas Golden Mathematics Book 5

  • ISBN: 9788124316240
  • Number of pages: 64 pages
  • Product format: Paperback
  • Author: NavNeet
  • Publisher: Navneet Education
  • Availability: Out of stock
16,000 TZS

Product description

A child will develop beautiful and legible handwriting only through systematic training and constant practice right from an early age.
With a view to providing thorough systematic training in art of writing well-made letters, we have publised graded


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A child will develop beautiful and legible handwriting only through systematic training and constant practice right from an early age.
With a view to providing thorough systematic training in art of writing well-made letters, we have publised graded copybooks in English languages for students of different age groups.
English copybooks have been prepared in three different series viz. print script, cursive or slant writing and upright writing.
School may select the series as per their preferences.
If provision is made in the school timetable for the regular use of these copybooks then it will definately benefit the children to improve their handwriting.

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