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Civic and Moral Education with Activities Standard 3

  • ISBN: 9789987701445
  • Product format: Paperback
  • Author: S.Saleh
  • Publisher: APE Network
  • Year published: 2021
  • Availability: Out of stock
9,000 TZS

Product description

This book meets all requirements of the current Tanzania Primary school syllabus of Social Studies Standard 3. In addition to its beautiful layout and richness in illustrations, it contains over 100 exercises and activities which will ensure that the


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This book meets all requirements of the current Tanzania Primary school syllabus of Social Studies Standard 3. In addition to its beautiful layout and richness in illustrations, it contains over 100 exercises and activities which will ensure that the pupil is actively engaged in learning and conceptualizing school education as it relates to everyday activities.
This book builds on a competence-based approach used in similar books for lower classes. It uses a simple language and straight forward approach to ensure that pupils can easily understand and use the knowledge they get from the book.

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