Items in College/High level category

Showing 1 to 26 of 26 records (1 Pages)
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Written by a former Times Creme PA of the Year, this new edition of The Definitive Personal Assistant and Secretarial Handbook is the ultimate guide for all management assistants, PAs, secretaries and executive assistants.

Administrative personnel i

55,000 TZS

Publisher: Kogan Page

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Being Ethnographic is an essential introductory guidebook to the methods and applications of doing fieldwork in real-world settings. It discusses the future of ethnography, explores how we understand identity, and sets out the role of technology in a

112,000 TZS

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This handy book is a beginner's complete course in the Swahili language, designed especially for foreigners. The book is a result of the author's many years of teaching experience. It is divided into two parts: part one covers pronunciation; Swahili

12,000 TZS

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This book provides a concise, humorous, and carefully written and illustrated guide to paediatric clinical skills, including the skill of history taking from the child at various ages and from the parents, as well as examination of the body systems.

48,000 TZS

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All of the essential information you need from the world's foremost medical physiology textbook - right in your pocket! Dr. John E. Hall's Pocket Companion to Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology: First South Asia Edition, reflects the stru

55,000 TZS

Publisher: Elsevier India

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This newly revised edition of the outstanding handbook written by Ronald McRae is a concise and high-yield reference covering key aspects of orthopaedic theory, examination and fracture treatment that can be carried on the ward.

Unique illustrations

80,000 TZS

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Peter Senge, founder and director of the Society for Organisational Learning and senior lecturer at MIT, has found the means of creating a 'learning organisation'. In The Fifth Discipline, he draws the blueprints for an organisation where people expa

50,000 TZS

Publisher: Random House

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In 1986, Tanzania agreed with the IMF and the World Bank to pursue robust social and economic reforms in light of the serious decline in the performance of the economy, with the objective of achieving sustainable economic growth. At a political level

25,000 TZS

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Who makes most money from the demand for cappuccinos early in the morning at Waterloo Station? Why is it impossible to get a foot on the property ladder? How does the Mafia make money from laundries when street gangs pushing drugs don't? Who really b

33,000 TZS

Publisher: Little, Brown

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In Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich, Robert Kiyosaki explores why many people are waiting for the political and financial systems of the world to change. He shares his opinion that it's easier to change yourself than to wait for our leaders and syst

27,000 TZS

Publisher: Plata Publishing

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In the Second Edition of this bestselling textbook, the authors use real-world examples to introduce basic principles in statistics with no prior knowledge or experience assumed. With an emphasis on describing concepts, showing through example and il

119,000 TZS

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Creativity: Theory, History, Practice offers important new perspectives on creativity in the light of contemporary critical theory and cultural history. Innovative in approach as well as argument, the book crosses disciplinary boundaries and builds n

119,000 TZS

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This thoroughly updated and extended eighth edition of the long-running bestseller Research Methods in Education covers the whole range of methods employed by educational research at all stages. Its five main parts cover: the context of educational r

110,048 TZS

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Over the past thirty years, in common with a number of other Sub-Saharan African countries, Tanzania has experienced a period of painful adjustment followed by relatively rapid and stable economic growth. However the extent of progress on poverty red

270,000 TZS

Publisher: James Currey

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This practical guide takes undergraduate students step-by-step through the process of completing a dissertation, from the initial stages of generating original ideas and planning the project through to writing their first draft and critically reviewi

55,000 TZS

Publisher: Pan macmillan

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This engaging and highly regarded book takes readers through the key stages of their PhD research journey, from the initial ideas through to successful completion and publication. It gives helpful guidance on forming research questions, organising id

75,000 TZS

Publisher: Pan macmillan

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This practical guide is full of advice on how to make the most of the PhD experience. It covers the practicalities of embarking on a PhD and guides students through the process, from selecting a topic and securing finance to writing and publishing th

24,000 TZS

Publisher: Pan macmillan

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This compact reference guide gives students the skills and confidence to succeed in case study assignments. It takes students step-by-step through the process, from reading and understanding the brief through to critically evaluating the case, applyi

24,000 TZS

Publisher: Macmillan Education

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This indispensable guide shows students what successful academic writing involves and gives them the tools they will need to write successfully themselves. It separates fact from fiction and takes students through the five essential elements of acade

24,000 TZS

Publisher: Macmillan Education

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This concise and user-friendly guide explains why referencing is an essential part of good writing and shows students how to reference correctly. It also develops students' understanding of what plagiarism is and how they can avoid it in their work.

24,000 TZS

Publisher: Macmillan Education

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This concise and easy-to-use guide provides students with the skills needed for planning and doing research well, whatever their course of study. Short, succinct chapters take students through the process one step at a time, from planning their proje

24,000 TZS

Publisher: Pan macmillan

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Written by internationally renowned author Stella Cottrell, this is an essential resource for students looking to refine their thinking, reading and writing skills. Stella Cottrell's student-centred approach demystifies critical thinking and breaks d

55,000 TZS

Publisher: Macmillan Education

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Gary's book, never more than a metre away, has been my indispensable research companion. With its easy layout, my well-worn copy, stripy with florescent marker and pencilled notes, has been my go-to, on-hand supervisor throughout my degree; taking th

95,000 TZS

Publisher: Kogan Page

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Every manager has to make presentations of various kinds. No matter what the presentation is, however, most of us prefer not to do them at all. Presentations represent the second greatest fear to managers (after going to the dentist!).

This book con

20,000 TZS

Publisher: Embassy Books

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The essential guide to marketing and building your business o

64,000 TZS