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Showing 1 to 30 of 1047 records (35 Pages)
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Lengo kuu la mwanaume na mwanamke kufunga ndoa ni kuishi pamoja kwa furaha, kushirikiana, kujiletea maendeleo, kupata watoto na kuwalea pamoja hadi hapo kifo kitakapowatenganisha.
Hata hivyo, ndoa nyingi huzongwa na kutoelewana, kwa viwango tofauti,

10,000 TZS

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Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere was the First President and father of the Nation, Tanzania. He was an intellectual, scholar, and a Mwalimu (teacher). He articulated his beliefs and principles. He eloquently shared them in a clear and simple way that

10,000 TZS

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Mwongozo wa Ufugaji Bora wa Samaki ni kitabu kinachotoa mwongozo wa namna ya kufuga samaki kisasa na kibiashara katika mabwawa, matangi,vizimba n.k
Aidha, kitabu kinajadili na kutofautisha aina nne za mifumo ya ufugaji wa samaki.
Samaki ni chanzo cha

15,000 TZS

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In this timely addition to the Ohio Short Histories of Africa series, Pamela Scully takes us from the 1938 birth of Nobel Peace Prize winner and two-time Liberian president Ellen Johnson through the Ebola epidemic of 2014–15. Charting her chil

59,000 TZS

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Let’s Play, Tucheze Numbody was selected as a Notable Book in the Children’s Africana Book Awards 2012. It is a charmingly original counting book for young children, which is also beautifully illustrated. There are both text and musical play in S

15,000 TZS

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PRESENTED BY TWINKLE KHANNA It doesn't matter how old you are or where you come from or how many marks you scored in the last test. All of us can become heroes... Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Like shafali Verma, the girl wonder cricketer who

15,000 TZS

Publisher: Juggernaut

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Bila kujali umri, cheo ulichonacho, hadhi uliyonayo, sehemu unayoishi, rangi, taifa wala kabila, msongo wa mawazo humkuta kila mtu. Msongo wa mawazo upo kila mahali si kwa wanawake si kwa wanaume, si kwa watoto si kwa watu wazima, si kwa walio kwenye

10,000 TZS

Publisher: Kiwonyi Printers

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"Nikki Maxwell really is Queen of the Dorks, from talent show disasters to BFF dramas, super-crush dilemmas to ice-skating fiascos. No matter how hard she tries, Nikki's life never runs quite as smoothly as she'd like!"

40,000 TZS

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Sadaka ya John Okello ni tamthilia ya kihistoria kuhusu mapinduzi ya tarehe 12/1/1964 visiwani Zanzibar. Wakoloni Waingereza, kabla ya kuondoka visiwani walimkabidhi Sultani Jamshid uhuru na mamlaka ya kuitawala Zanzibar tarehe 01/12/1963. Wazanzibar

7,000 TZS

Publisher: APE Network

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A mysterious arrival at Kirrin Cottage, in the middle of the night, sparks excitement amongst George and her cousins. Berta is a vulnerable, young American girl, (daughter of a rich man) who is fleeing kidnappers and the Kirrin Household have been pe

10,000 TZS

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It's not easy being Rafe Khatchadorian's sister. He's got quite a reputation around school, and Georgia's got it hard enough as is! With a super secret crush on her classmate Sam Marks, a Rube Goldberg machine challenge to dominate, and constant conf

23,000 TZS

Publisher: Penguin

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It is 1914. In the heart of the Belgian Congo, Garvey, a bedraggled British manservant, emerges from the jungle. He is the lone survivor of a mining expedition in which both his masters have died, and all of the party's African porters have fled. Wit

30,000 TZS

Publisher: Canongate Trade

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Romantic, liberating and totally addictive, the Fifty Shades trilogy will obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever. ...Daunted by the dark secrets of the tormented young entrepreneur Christian Grey, Ana Steele has broken off their relations

28,000 TZS

Publisher: Arrow Books

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A passionate history of Judaism; a world unfolding across many continents and five centuries by one of our greatest and internationally bestselling historians.

Belonging is a magnificent cultural history abundantly alive with energy, character and c

38,000 TZS

Publisher: Random House

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HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A CLASH OF KINGS is the second volume in the series.

'Nobody does fantasy qui

35,000 TZS

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HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age.

A STORM OF SWORDS: STEEL AND SNOW is the FIRST part of the third volume in the

35,000 TZS

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HBO’s hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin’s internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age.

A STORM OF SWORDS: BLOOD AND GOLD is the SECOND part of the thir

35,000 TZS

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HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A FEAST FOR CROWS is the fourth volume in the series.

'When the writing is

35,000 TZS

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This is the first comprehensive biography of Julius Nyerere, a national liberation leader, the first president of Tanzania and an outstanding statesman of Africa and the global south. Written by three prominent Tanzanians, the work spans over 1200 pa

175,000 TZS

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This is the first comprehensive biography of Julius Nyerere, a national liberation leader, the first president of Tanzania and an outstanding statesman of Africa and the global south. Written by three prominent Tanzanians, the work spans over 1200 pa

125,000 TZS

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Many people start their day off with a few minutes of prayer and Bible study, often with a devotion. But how many of them take the time at night to spend a moment with God after their hurried bedtime prayers. This companion to 'Starting Your Day Righ

52,000 TZS

Publisher: Faith worlds

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Troy Phelen is a self-made billionaire, one of the richest men in the United States. He is also eccentric, reclusive, confined to a wheelchair, and looking for a way to die.

Nate O'Riley is a high-octane Washington litigator who's lived too hard, to

25,000 TZS

Publisher: Arrow Books

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From the barren farms of Italy to the cramped tenements of New York, the immigrant families struggle with an adopted life - none more so than the Angeluzzi-Corbos. At their head stands Lucia Santa, wife, widow and mother of two families. It is her fo

20,000 TZS

Publisher: Arrow Books

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The highly anticipated new book from Malcolm Gladwell, No.1 international bestselling author of The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, What the Dog Saw and David and Goliath

The routine traffic stop that ends in tragedy. The spy who spends years undete

42,000 TZS

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The beginning of the twenty-first century will be remembered, Friedman argues, not for military conflicts or political events, but for a whole new age of globalization - a 'flattening' of the world. The explosion of advanced technologies now means th

35,000 TZS

Publisher: Penguin